AFA WMC Congratulates Col. Dustin Richards - the new 88ABW Commander
AFA WMC attended the assumption of command at the NMUSAF today (9 Apr), with Lt General Donna Shipton (AFLCMC/CC) presiding.

As one of the largest air base wings in the Air Force, Colonel Richards now commands more than 5,000 Air Force military, civilian and contractor employees providing support and services to one of the largest, most diverse and most organizationally complex bases in the Air Force, including a major acquisition center, research and development laboratories, a major command headquarters, an airlift wing, and the world’s largest military air museum. The base is also home to more than 35,000 employees and is the largest single site employer in Ohio.
Congratulations again to Colonel Duston Richards – and AFA WMC wishes you the best of success and we look forward to working with you!