Here are some of the highlights of his dynamic chat with the audience…
- In part, the NMUSA’s mission is to present the Air Force's history, heritage and traditions through engaging exhibits, educational outreach, special programs, and showcase the many opportunities available in the Air & Space Forces.
- Upon becoming Director, he was encouraged to explore ways to be relevant to the Air Force community as well as strengthen its connection to the greater civilian community
- Regarding its connection with the Air Force community, he’s made positive changes in transitioning the NMUSAF from an ‘Airplane Museum’ to an ‘Air Force Museum’ through adding exhibits related to women and the enlisted corps, plus highlighting other Air Force jobs (specialties) as well as highlighting our diversity
- Regarding as strengthen its connection to the greater civilian community, he’s made positive changes to eliminate the stigma that the NMUSAF is a place where you have to be quiet, ‘DO NOT TOUCH”, keep children from running around, etc. As such, he’s made significant strides in making it a place visitors can learn about aviation, space, history, and STEM (as well as the Air Force) through hands-on exhibits where families - and especially children - can have a great time
- He also touched on the NMUSAF’s partnership with the Air Force Museum Foundation ( – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – and it’s programs in support of making the NMUSAF a home to both the military and civilian community – or in his words “…a cooler place!”
- He also shared some near and more futuristic plans for the NMUSAF relevant and connected.
It was an eventful and lively event, and if you weren’t able to attend, you missed a great meal and great discussion about the past, and future, of our NMUSAF!